We can define architecture as:
- The way to understand the relationship between aesthetics, design, and comfort.
- A reflection on how we wish to live.
- Meet the needs of people by taking advantage of resources.
- A way of seeing the world through different eyes.
- Have an idea, translate it into a project, and then build it…
“Architecture is the art of building.” Marcus Vitruvius
“Architecture embraces the entire physical environment that surrounds human life. We cannot escape from it as long as we are part of civilization, because architecture is the sum of modifications and alterations introduced into the land in order to satisfy human needs”.
William Morris
“Only a very small part of architecture is included in the world of art: funerary and commemorative monuments. Everything else, everything that has a purpose has to be excluded from the world of art “Adolf Loos

I think that the original objective of architecture is to provide the external conditions in which people live, but it also plays a significant role in our society. It serves as an illustration of both how we view the outside world and how we view ourselves. If architecture hadn’t changed the world, we would still be surviving instead of existing as intelligent beings with gifts to share.